
Showing posts from March, 2018

Digital marketing and advertising lesson no. 10

Blogs, Podcasting and RSS | eCommerce Impact Blogs, Podcasting, and RSS Overview You probably have heard all these terms an awful lot lately. You wonder about what these technologies do? What value to they provide? If you aren't up to speed on these new applications and how they are impacting online interactions then read this brief further. Will these technologies impact you? To be honest, it's too early to tell - but awareness will drive innovation and maybe your team will develop an idea/application that utilizes these technologies to enhance a portion of your eCommerce business. Here's the rundown: Blogs What they are: Probably the most well known of the three, blogs allow everyday people to quickly develop a website presence and distribute any type of content that they desire. Look at the metrics relating to blog penetration. * 7% of the 120 million U.S. adults who use the internet say they have created a blog or web-based diary. That rep...

Digital Marketing and Advertising, lesson no. 9

Blocking and Tackling | A quick look at some eCommerce fundamentals eCommerce can be VERY complex.  To offer a world class customer experience, retailers must incorporate technologies and functionality that exceeds rising customer expectations. eCommerce can be VERY complex.  To offer a world class customer experience, retailers must incorporate technologies and functionality that exceeds rising customer expectations. On the flip side however, site fundamentals still play a very large role in converting visitors into customers.  Many retailers surprisingly lose sight of these site basics and leave significant sales on the table.  This brief examines 4 quick “fundamentals” every eCommerce manager cannot afford to lose sight of. Think Fast   Speed has become less of a problem due to the penetration of broadband, but don’t forget that a significant number of people still shop by a dialup connection.  When creating a site framework, designers an...

Digital marketing and advertising lesson no. 8

Ask Mr. D - ECommerce Sales Dear Mr. D, After spending about a year as an affiliate for other companies, I have come up with my own product. My product is similar to one that I was selling as an affiliate. I made real good money selling this product as an affiliate, but my product, which I think is superior to that one, is not selling hardly at all. My price is the same and I am getting a lot of traffic, but as I said, very few sales. Can you please take a look at my website and see if I have a problem there? Something is wrong. Signed, No Sales ____________________ Dear No Sales, There is an old adage in sales, don't sell the steak - sell the sizzle. Your site does a good job of describing your product. That is what's meant by selling the steak. But, it falls short on selling the benefits a buyer will gain by using your product. That is called selling the sizzle. People are not interested in your product or service per se...

Digital marketing and advertising lesson no. 7

An Ecommerce Internet Merchant Account Small business owners and home based entrepreneurs sometimes reach the point where they realize their company is ready to grow, and then they begin to consider the advantages of an ecommerce Internet merchant account. Those who accept merely cash or check payments may decide to increase the ways in which a customer can pay for goods or services. A merchant account will let business owners accept credit card payments in many different ways. That is why so many business people opt to apply for an Internet merchant account. If you do not already have an Internet Website to promote your business, this would be a good time to put one in place by opening an Ecommerce Internet Merchant account. More and more, consumers are looking to the Internet to find companies that offer the products and terms they want. Conducting business on the Internet or through technological means is c...

Digital marketing and advertising lesson no. 6

 An Arm & A Leg for eCommerce? As a site designer myself, I realize how much time and effort goes into registering, setting up, and designing a site; not to mention the creation of content and seamless navigation. But it is unbelievable how complicated and expensive this process has become! Let's face it, very few entrepreneurs and small businesses can afford to spend hundreds of dollars to set up their dot-com presence without knowing how successful it will be! We've seen the results of high expectations and over spending with the demise of many well-known companies as reported in the news recently. It doesn't have to be this way! Are you planning to sell products or services? You do NOT necessarily need expensive shopping cart software or merchant accounts to sell your products or services. You can begin your online venture by setting up a few of your most popular items or services that can be purchased online. Once a customer has made a ...